Krav Maga is a modern and innovative style of self-defence. This system has been refined and developed in light of actual modern combat and self-defence experience.

Krav Maga prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defence, self-protection, fighting and combat skills using mixed martial arts that involve striking techniques, wrestling and grappling.

This program is managed by the Indian federation for Krav Maga, the International Ultimate Krav Maga Federation.

The advantages of Krav Maga

1. Krav Maga is for everyone. The techniques of Krav Maga are designed to be effective regardless of a person’s size, strength, or gender.

2. Krav Maga is a no-nonsense, straightforward approach to self defence. Time spent in training is focused on enhancing your ability to survive a violent encounter.

3. Krav Maga is a great way to get into shape. The truth is you are more likely to die of a heart attack then you are from an attacker.

4. Krav Maga doesn’t require years of training to achieve self defence proficiency. Krav Maga is easy to learn, easy to remember, and easy to apply.

5. Most of all, Krav Maga is fun. There is nothing quite like it in the world.

Please see this YouTube video for more on Krav Maga.


Be alert before it’s too late. Self-protection is not an option, it is our responsibility. When we are on the street, we have to fight for survival. This is where Krav Maga plays an important role in building reflexes, muscle memory, and creating self-confidence that you can neutralise threats.

Master Vicky Kapoor

Akash is a Certified Civilian Krav Maga Instructor from IUKMF, trained by Master Vicky Kapoor. Akash won first place at the World Martial-Arts Championship held at Windhoek, Namibia, in April 2022 in the 60-70 kilo weight category. He has conducted various Krav Maga workshops across different organisations and educational institutions. He has eight certifications:

Teaching Training levels | Level – I, II, III IV & V | Certifications through IUKMF

Certified Civilian Krav Maga Instructor, IUKMF

Certified – Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 levels from IUKMF


11.00 AM – 12.15 PM

7.15 PM – 8.30 PM


1 month
Rs 3,600

3 months
Rs 9,600

Rs 500

Private session
Rs 2,100

Prices include applicable taxes. Click on one of the headings above to pay online or with the button below.

Purchase Online


1)  Purchases are NON-EXTENDABLE / NON-REFUNDABLE / NON-TRANSFERABLE. Please see our policies page.

2)  We permit unlimited self-practice for students with monthlies. This is during open hours and when the flooring is not being used for a class.

3)  Attire is comfortable athletic clothing which permits arm and leg articulation. No zippers, jewellery or other things which can create injury. Nails trimmed on hands and feet.

4)  Private session charges are for up to two participants; each additional participant pays the regular dropin fee.

5)  Age group is 7+, but our class is mostly comprised of adults.


TEL9818440969 | Timings
ADDInside Nanaksar Gurudwara, opposite M-39 res, GK2 | Directions
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